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Business processes - Digital. Automated.

We enable the transition from manual paper-, application- and PDF-based processes to fully automated workflows.

Professionelle digitale Geschäftsprozesse Hessen
Digital data collection

Recording of data by means of forms and interfaces.

Secure data storage

Saving data for different applications.

Optimised data processing

Partially and fully automated processing of data streams.

Data analysis and evaluation

Demand-driven presentation methods to monitor processes.

A complete offer for building digital business processes

  • Business processes planning and documentation
  • Seamless business process integration in applications
  • DSGVO compliant processing (incl. health data)*
  • eIDAS compliant signatures
  • GoBD compliant archiving
  • Payment interfaces
  • API interfaces
  • Scalable performance*
  • Enterprise-grade security*
  • 99.95% guaranteed server uptime*
  • Direct development & contract partner NorthRock software GmbH in Germany
  • *Available with hosting & maintenance contract (SLA) from NorthRock.

    Digital data collection

    At the beginning of each business process, the necessary paths are created to efficiently collect data.

    By forms

    Individually created forms are used to capture data directly from the user or customer. In addition to text entries, images, signatures and other information can also be recorded.

    With interfaces

    Wherever data already exists in the company, such as in applications or databases, it is possible to use this data retrospectively and capture it directly in the future.

    Secure data storage in Germany.

    Our top priority is the protection of your process data. Therefore, only ISO27001-certified service providers from Germany are used, which agree to DSGVO-compliant contract data processing. On-premises hosting by the order provider is also possible.

    Hetzner Hosting Dienstleister von NorthRock software


    Deutsche Telekom Hosting Dienstleister von NorthRock software


    Gematik Hosting Dienstleister von NorthRock software


    Datenspeicherung von digitalen Workflows Abläufen in Deutschland
    Optimierte Datenverarbeitung für Unternehmen

    Optimised data processing

    Once data collection and storage have been established, partially and fully automated processes can be created. For varying processes, employees are provided with a work interface for this purpose, which allows partial automation in order to process recurring work as efficiently as possible. Secure processes can even be fully automated. A control of the processes is provided as data analysis and evaluation.

  • User-centred interfaces for data processing
  • One-Button data processing functions
  • AI assistive data processing
  • Fully automatic rule-based data processing
  • Data analysis and evaluation

    Once digital data collection, storage and processing has been created, all key metrics for viewing the processed data, results and throughput over time are presented within a dashboard application. This makes the company's activities and service provision in the digital space tangible and enables future extensions and adjustments to the software based on facts.

    Datenanalyse innerhalb eines digitalisieren Workflows Ablauf

    We realize your project.

    Contact us for a consulting offer.

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