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Professional websites & portals

We develop websites and online portals that form the foundation of future-proof digital strategies. With our online marketing expertise, outstanding content design and great attention to detail, we create services that will be remembered - Thanks to effective placement on search engines such as Google, they are easy to find.

Moderne Werkzeuge zur Webseiten programmierung und design
Moderne Werkzeuge zur Webseiten programmierung und design
Moderne Werkzeuge zur Webseiten programmierung und design
Moderne Werkzeuge zur Webseiten programmierung und design
Moderne Werkzeuge zur Webseiten programmierung und design
Moderne Werkzeuge zur Webseiten programmierung und design
Webentwicklung für das Gesundheitswesen

Experienced in digital healthcare

We deliver tangible concepts and compelling web developments that bring people, services and products together. Online, offline and with enthusiasm. For this, we use our already accumulated experience with rehab centers, doctors and players in the healthcare industry to provide them with the best possible service.

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Referenz für Rehazentrum Webseite in Bad Homburg und Frankfurt

“A company with great ambitions. I am very satisfied with their performance and would like to thank them for the unique website and booking portal for my health analysis start-up.”

Karl-Heinz Hohmann
Managing Director of the BIO MOTION LAB
Webentwicklung für Infrastruktur und Mobilität

Performance for connected infrastructure & logistics

We offer impressive visualizations and analysis of data, dashboards for controlling intelligent systems, digital capture capabilities, as well as scalable online booking tools and more.
Create a reliable and digital future with us.

A modern website, secure and reliable
  • Responsive web design, user-centred UI/UX
  • SearchEngine optimised (SEO) and fast loading times
  • Easy content customisation possible with CMS
  • DSGVO compliant for health data*, among others
  • Highly available and protected against cyber attacks*.
  • Future-oriented and open to technology
  • Error, performance and user analyses*
  • ISO27001 Hosting in Germany + 100% green electricity*.
  • *Available with hosting & maintenance contract (SLA) from NorthRock.

    We use JavaScript, APIs and markup. Unlike traditional content management systems such as WordPress, this technology separates the front end from the back end. This gives you better performance, scalability and customization of your website and online platform.
    Webentwicklung für Behörden, öffentliche Dienste und Verwaltungen

    Online services for authorities, public services and administrations

    Accessible, user-friendly and easy to fill with new content thanks to responsive design and CMS. We know the requirements of public administration and meet them cost-effectively. On request, a number of forms and processes can also be integrated digitally in order to implement seamless digitization in accordance with the OZG.

    Referenz für Webseite der Behörde Bürokratieabbau der Bayrischen Staatsregierung

    “I would like to thank you for the fast and absolutely flawless development of our website and the professional all-round support. Thank you very much!”

    Dr. Bettina Rother
    Online Editorial | Bavarian State Chancellery | Bureaucracy Reduction of the Bavarian State Government
    Webentwicklung für Unternehmen aus Deutschland

    For companies in Germany

    We are here to ensure that you have a future-oriented web presence.

    Content conception

    Your web presence is the mirror of your identity. For a holistic digital brand presence, we support you in developing your content as well as your brand through a professional corporate design.

    Web design

    We realise modern and functional content with individual design for every device format. Our designers develop your digital presence based on your ideas and our professional expertise.

    Web development

    The development of your web presence is based on HTML and JavaScript with building techniques such as ReactJS. A CMS is used so that your organisation can also make future text changes.


    From simple maintenance to continuous optimisation, we look after your web presence after publication according to your individual ideas and needs. We offer an SLA for this service.

    We realize your project.

    Contact us for a consulting offer.

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