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Admission form for the digital business process of a rehabilitation center

MAINTAIN, a rehabilitation center with two locations and over 30 employees, has taken the first step towards digitalization. The new digital rehab registration system enables social services to register patients for rehabilitation at MAINTAIN easily and efficiently. The system is not only user-friendly, but also meets the highest security standards and is fully GDPR-compliant.

Business process development


Individuell erstelltes digitales Aufnahmeformular für einen Kunden in Deutschland


Solution consulting, implementation, maintenance, hosting, support


Health (rehabilitation)


30 employees

View customer project

Our contribution to the solution

Our solution for MAINTAIN involved the development of a customized digital workflow that seamlessly integrates the entire registration process. The process starts with a user-friendly online form that requires an eIDAS-compliant signature. The sensitive data is encrypted directly on the sender's device so that only the selected rehabilitation center can decrypt the information and receive it as a secure PDF document. The social service performing the registration also receives an email with a time-limited download link protected by an access code to securely download the submitted data for their own use.

Project content to be highlighted

  • Development of a form in close cooperation with the customer
  • eIDAS-compliant signature function
  • PDF generation based on dynamic data
  • Automated creation and sending of e-mails
  • Portal with time-limited download function for documents
  • Customized cryptographic procedure with two-factor authentication
  • GDPR-compliant implementation with risk impact assessment
  • Provision and hosting of all system components
  • Permanent monitoring of availability and error monitoring
  • Technologies & Partners

    We have used state-of-the-art technologies for the development to guarantee the highest security standards. The platform uses end-to-end encryption for all input data and is fully GDPR-compliant, audited by Cortina Consult. We have also integrated an eIDAS-compliant signature to ensure that digitally created PDF documents are legally binding. The automatic e-mail dispatch takes place via Mailjet to ensure reliable and secure delivery.

    nodejs für WebPortale
    React app entwicklung
    Datenbankentwicklung Frankfurt
    PDF Workflow Entwicklung Frankfurt
    Automatischer E-Mail Versand über API
    Externer Datenschutzbeauftragter

    Digital form for website

    The digital form was developed in close cooperation with the client and continuously improved to optimize the registration process. The integrated selection fields, mandatory fields, input limits and format checks ensure that all required information is entered correctly. Once all relevant data has been entered by the social services department, the entry must be authenticated by a legally binding signature. When sending, all data is encrypted directly on the device, ensuring end-to-end encryption between social services and the rehabilitation center.

    Website with online application form

    Digitales Formular für Geschäftsprozess bei Rehazentrum

    Email & download portal

    The rehabilitation center receives the entries directly into its systems, while the social service can retrieve a confirmation via a download portal. This is made possible by an individually generated email containing a download code and password for each user of the digital rehab admission form. The encrypted PDF data can then be downloaded via the portal for three days. After that, all data is irrevocably deleted and only the rehab center retains the document in its records.

    Email with access to document download

    automatisch generierte HTML E-Mail für Geschäftsprozesse. Designed von NorthRock software.

    The project flow

    1. Project acceptance

    The project was initiated after a consultation as a necessary digitization measure. As this was an existing customer, both the contact persons and the technical basics were already known.

    2. Development of the project plan

    Due to the manageable size of the project, a detailed project plan was dispensed with. Instead, the project managers were directly involved in the development of the required components and the content requirements were discussed.

    3. Development of the digital form

    Once the responsibilities had been defined, the development of the digital form began in close cooperation with the client. The client specified which data was to be requested, which entries were mandatory and which selection options were available. The digital process offered significantly more flexibility and functionality compared to previous paper-based processes.

    4. Development of confirmation emails & download portal

    Once the form was specified, the PDF generation and automated HTML emails were developed. In parallel, the secure download portal was developed, which is based on end-to-end encryption and a 2-factor security process.

    5. Trial phase with social services and contractors

    As the business process includes both the input by a person at the social service and the final processing by an employee, the workflow was first tested in a trial phase with selected users. The knowledge gained was directly incorporated into the improvement of the system, so that a user-friendly and effective solution was available after the test phase.

    6. Publication & training of employees

    When the new business process was introduced, all relevant employees were comprehensively informed about the changes. Training ensured that everyone understood and could implement the new tasks and responsibilities.

    7. Maintenance & hosting

    After the successful implementation, a maintenance contract was concluded to ensure the continuous closure of security gaps, performance optimizations and the technological development of the application.

    The added value of the project

    Time & personnel savings

    through automation

    Thanks to the largely automated process, the customer saves a considerable amount of time and money. The employee resources freed up are now effectively integrated into other important day-to-day rehab activities.

    Controlled entries

    for a better database

    The automatic check of entries during form processing ensures that all details comply with the required formats, among other things. Incorrect or incompletely completed applications are a thing of the past.

    Digital processability

    due to digital acceptance

    The digital capture of data enables seamless integration into downstream digital processes and systems. As a result, applications are processed efficiently without additional effort.

    Long-term partnership and continuous optimization

    Our collaboration with MAINTAIN is geared towards a long-term partnership. After the digital rehab registration was successfully implemented, MAINTAIN commissioned us with the continuous maintenance and optimization of the platform. This includes regular updates and adjustments to ensure that the digital infrastructure always meets the latest security and technology requirements. MAINTAIN plans to continue driving forward the digitalization of its processes and we will actively support this process. The plan is to digitally implement additional processes to further increase the efficiency of the rehab center. Through our close collaboration, we can proactively respond to future requirements and provide customized solutions. We look forward to continuing on this path together and supporting MAINTAIN in its successful digital transformation in the long term.

    Download portal for rehab documents

    Bild des Download-Portal von MAINTAIN für Sozialdienste und Ärzte in Bad Homburg, Frankfurt und Hessen
    Logo von MAINTAIN Frankfurt

    A solution was quickly found for the digital registration of rehabilitation patients. Digital registration saves us time and energy every day. Actually, we should have made the switch much earlier.

    Helena Eifler

    Site Manager | MAINTAIN Rehab

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